Hello again! Now Imma tell you about my excitement (again)! Ok let's move on~
On 10th October 2010, I got a new sketch book from my beloved sister, Gisda Syafitri Awalia :DD Actually, she said that the sketch book was my birthday gift. Well, it's a little bit annoying, you know. My birthday date was on 2nd June, but she gave me a birthday present  4 months after it? Hm......ok but that's okay. At least she gave me something that worth to use *giggle*. But of course I said big thanks to her!
Ok back to topic. After she gave me a new sketch book, I named it. Its name is SKETCHIE! :DD Silly, huh? Haha but its name doesn't far from word "sketch book" ryte?
So I thought the cover was....uhm.....too formal. Standard. Not eye-poppin. Monochrome. And something else. Finally, with the "SUPER-MAJOR-REMAKE-MOOD" I gave Sketchie some 'touch' of my 'magic spell' (-_-?) Here it is!
Final Touch!

Love this quote for sure! HAHA

Got some those unique pics from random old magazine (y) I really like to cut them all into pieces and drag them to my stuffs for eye-poppin look. Well, how its looks like? Pretty cool, eh? ~(^.^)~ (~^.^)~

For the first time I thought I'll use Sketchie for formal sketches. But as you know, I hate those formal stuffs, I'd like to follow my instinc to use Sketchie for my random fashion sketches (y)!
It's amateur. But I just love whatever I've made by my own, however it looks like, of course. These are some examples:
My first sketch!
This is my Bibin (Shabina)! Requested by her~
Appreciate Student
Hm I think that's all. There are many other sketches from me but I'm too lazy to upload all of them! ._. Haha btw, hope this book'll guide me to the Fashion Industry (?)  :P

That's all for now.....Huhu just stay tuned or gimme some comments pls! :-)
Thankyou thankyou~ Bye!
X♡X♡ -M


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