
actually i have a looot of things to say about 2013. but they could be overrated i guess. so i'd like to say some points of them; i think i'm gonna miss 2013. lots of memories which are still imprinted quite obvious here inside my head. tahun dimana entah kenapa gue baru ngerasa SMA yang beneran. a year of beginning and ending. a year full of lessons. thank you for those people who ever came into my life, either those who stays or those who left; at least i learned things from all of you. as if my life were a book, y'll has made twists to my story. which has made it more interesting :)

ookaay back to the new year stuff. will not make any resolutions for 2014 bcs i've learned that they're all such bullshit. just like what Megan Seling says on her article from Rookie magazine, 
"I don’t need a calendar to tell me when to make changes or challenge myself, and I don’t want to make half-assed promises to myself during the most stressful, high-pressure time of the year. And neither do you. The best resolution I’ve ever made was the decision to not make any resolutions at all. From here on out I’m just going to try to kick ass year-round, forever. " and yes, let's just kick ass year-round, forever.

taken by my digital camera. from the front balcony of moi house.
gilak foto beginian aja dapetnye suseh bener.

2014 is going to be a huge phenomena. gimana enggak? tahun ini, seorang gue akan menjalani segala macam ujian; US, UN, SBMPTN lalala yang sejujurnya bakal menguras tenaga, waktu, dan hati. kuliah, ngejalanin hidup yang baru di lingkungan yang baru lagi dan jadi seorang mahasiswa...eh mahasiswi. akhirnya 12 tahun sekolah bakal selesai di tahun ini. every single effort will be paid-off on this year. no longer wearing those uniforms i'll be. done with all of those high school dramas i'll be. yay! excited and....a lil bit sad at the same time. 
moreover, bakal ada Pemilu dan World Cup. well, tbh gue gak tau mau milih siapa buat Pemilu. entah kenapa dari semua capres2 yang muncul di berbagai media, no one really gets my attention. not even Jokowi; gue pikir banyak banget kan yang pengen Jokowi jadi capres. i think people should know that he still got a looong way to prove that he could make Jakarta a better place for its citizen. ahahaha now i act like i know politics. nope, i'm just telling you about this issue from my point of view.
World Cup? gue gak terlalu ngerti bola sebenernya. jarang juga tertarik nonton bola dan gapunya jagoan negara mana buat event ini. pas World Cup 2010 aja gue ikutan seneng nonton bola karena demen sama Gerard Pique dan beberapa cowok ganteng dari berbagai negara. emang suka ikut2an aja sama euforia-nya orang2. hehehe.
but you know what? i always love the vibe. euforia-nya itu. it amazes me how sport (football, especially) unites people all around the world in a such way. suka aja liat orang nobar bola, teriak2 histeris pas ada yg nyetak gol. rame! bahkan gue berpikir kalo World Cup bakal lebih steal people's attention daripada Pemilu.

in the end, gue berharap semuanya bakal berjalan lancar di tahun ini, apapun itu. semoga school stuff gak terlalu bikin stress dan semoga gue bisa nikmatin prosesnya, bisa dapet hasil yang maksimal dan yang terbaik; sesuai ekspektasi dan usaha yang udah dilakuin selama 3 tahun di SMA, 3 tahun di SMP, dan 6 tahun di SD. and i hope you all the same too! :_) aamiin.
and would be better if i could put unimportant thing(s) aside. yah you know that thing(s). for me it's not quite a right time to be involved in somekind of stuff like that. then i guess being emotionally detached is a great decision. HAHAHA yuk ah.

btw tomorrow is the first day of school in 2014.
since i have to put up my bed time back to normal after holiday ruins it, i'm outta here!
have a blast 2014, everyone.


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