
The thing is, loving yourself as a whole person, is a life-long process. A never-ending one.
It takes time to accept yourself as you are. Let alone comprehending yourself.
Your pattern. Rhythm.
To comprehend that you have your own sun and storm. Rights and wrongs. Good deeds and sins. Flaws. Scars.

It is also important to be in a relationship where you know your worth. Equivalent to the importance of being with people who fully respects it as well.
You don't want to be with a person who makes you feel shitty and never cease to make you think that you are damaged. 
Inflicting wound that takes forever to heal. Questioning your own worth.

Accepting yourself is a process.
A crucial one. It is okay if you are still in that process.
You can embrace it.

Jogja, March 2019


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