wish i was happier

on the way to april 2013!
ternyata 2013 berjalan lebih cepet daripada 2012 ya. tanggal 1 april nanti gue (baru) UTS, dan bentar lagi kelas 12...seriusan deh rasanya enek, mual, takut, ada excited juga. rasanya beda pas smp, pas dari kelas 8 mau ke kelas 9. rasanya lebih takut lagi, karena bakal mengakhiri 12 tahun sekolah.....
ok so shall we move on? talking about future always creeps me out:) :(
according to the title of this post, yah bisa dibilang my rate of happiness is just 20%
gak semangat, bangun pagi pun ogah-ogahan, sering bengong, pikiran makin bercabang. the climax is when i finally cried in my class today, karena suatu hal. i was thinking what the hell is going on with me, what the hell am i doing to my life.
gue butuh waktu dimana gue bisa mengesampingkan segala urusan yg berkaitan dengan orang lain, dan sepenuhnya mengurus diri gue sendiri. menghibur diri gue sendiri.
all i want is those people i love the most, all i want is those moments; ketawa sekenceng kencengnya bareng anak2 jemputan pas SMP; nurul, tissa, shabina, yudha. makan mie rebus pake cabe rawit bareng, dan segala hal bego yang biasa kita lakuin pas SMP. i miss them, truly. once in a while gue cuma pengen kembali ke masa gue masih duduk di bangku paling belakang jemputan pak nurdin, berdempet2an bareng mereka.

but then i'm grateful i have my best friends in shs; atha dan anak2 XI IPA 1. atha, kalo gue nangis di kelas pasti dia ada di samping gue, she understands me and that's the most important thing. even tho she acts annoying sometimes, i love her still!:') dan anak2 XI IPA 1 yang gila pun sangat ngehibur gue setiap hari di kelas. gue nyaman sama mereka dan berharap bisa sekelas lagi di kelas XII. btw kalo gue sekelas lagi sama atha nanti, so it's gonna be 3 years we've been together as chairmatessss❤ 
dan jugaaa temen2 LIA depok ruang 203. biarpun cewek semua, tapi mereka semua bawel dan rame, bikin betah keeping up sama mereka.

so what's the point of this post? none actually hehehehe i just feeling so melancholic that i really need to spill it out. i wish i don't have to feeling sad, or even worse; numb. i wish people i love will always right there as my mood booster as they used to be every time i need them. i feel fine, actually. but i wish i was happier.


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