
Now I kinda get it why more and more people get depressed (easily) these days. Especially those who's in their 20s like me, either it's early 20s or mid or late... Like your life is going down the drain. Shifting to the new phase of life you have no idea about.

I feel it myself that things are getting...real...deep shit. Bad things happen. Losing hopes. Losing your loved ones. Losing yourself. Major setbacks...

A lot of pressure; from your peer or surroundings, or your family, even the pressure from within. From the highest bar you've set yourself that you eager to reach. Or you don't even have the bar...you just go on where the life takes you, you don't exactly recognize your path. The reality is right in front of yourself. You hold onto things you haven't got.
The goals were obvious, you even got plans and ways to check the boxes. But now? What are the goals? Short-term goals? Long-term goals?

They say live your life for your own.
But you can't.
You get to weigh every single decision you make because apparently it matters to everyone else too. 

Thru all the prayers. And struggles. And tears,

You will figure it out.
We, will figure it out.
Not now, perhaps. Someday we will.

-Maya, 22, thinking to herself is she going through the early quarter life crisis right now or she's just being dramatic and exaggerating stuff 


  1. Hmmm, i know how you feel :)
    Gua pernah kok ngalamin hal yang sama hehe
    Malahan ada suatu titik yg paling parah saat 'gua bekerja untuk apa?'

    1. Just in case you're still wondering (hopefully not) "gue bekerja untuk apa?", untuk mbak/masnya sendiri atuh, kalo karir dan rejekinya lancar kan yang seneng selain dirimu, orang-orang sekitarmuu juga. Semoga sukses ya!
      Btw, terima kasih sudah mampir!


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