How Was Your Day?
"How was your day?"
I wonder how many of you ever asked this question to your loved ones. Or being asked by your loved ones. Doesn't have to be your loved ones, actually, but you know that it's not the kind of questions that "regular people in your life" usually ask.
Gue pribadi suka pertanyaan ini, gak mungkin gue tanya untuk sekedar basa basi. I'd love to listen to their stories and how their routines make them feel, about the weird stuff that don't normally happen to them that day, about anything. Gue suka mengamati orang-orang yang lagi cerita tentang kesukaannya because somehow the excitement is contagious and it makes me happy. When someone confides in you, you feel like you are matter. Begitu pula kalau orangnya cerita tentang hal-hal yang bikin mereka sedih, atau masalah mereka. Sebagai orang yang sangat sangat jelek dalam comforting people, gue cuma bisa mendengarkan dan ngasih gestur empati sebaik dan setulus yang gue bisa berikan. Atau bahkan malah gue ikutan nangis. Those fucked up times when "sabar ya" is a highly restricted response yet you cannot think of any other better response, any other better words arrangement to make them feel better, probably because you're too consumed to your own turbulant emotions. Yeah, dat me most of the time.
I personally a kind of person who's really picky when it comes to telling people about how I feel. Because when I open up, I feel vulnerable. I know it's okay to be vulnerable, but I hate it and you may hate me too due to my emotions. And I'm not used to it; the open-up thing. (Yet here I am spillin my own tea, memang Maya ini sangat kontradiktif anaknya). I know it's not good for my mental health to keep all of the stuff to myself, but I'm still learning to open up, walaupun cuma ke sedikiit orang gue percaya. Jadi, gue sangat menghargai orang yang cerita apapun secara pribadi ke gue. Gue tau sulitnya "memberanikan diri" buat cerita ke orang lain, buat merasa "fragile" sesaat ke orang lain, to let people see through you. It's never easy, at least for me. Mas dan mbak, kalau ada orang yang mendatangi lo untuk cerita, please spare some of your time for her/him. Of all people that she/he knows, and she/he chooses you. AND, if there's someone who's willing to give ear to you, you better appreciate her/him as well.
How good it is to be asked "how was your day" and to ask the same question to some people. How good it is to have someone who actually wants to know about your day, someone who cares. You never knew how some things matter more to some people.
Mungkin ada yang udah sering ditanyain pertanyaan itu, ada yang jarang banget, atau malah belum pernah. Gak ada salahnya juga kok kita yang bertanya duluan, siapa tau ditanya balik (lho?). Ga. Gak ada salahnya kita nanya duluan untuk nunjukkin kalau kita peduli. Yah bikin seneng orang dan bikin seneng kita sendiri dengan cerita cerita orang tersebut ya kannn.
Tapi gak semua orang juga ngasih feedback yang positif. Namanya juga orang ya gak selalu dalam mood yang baik atau emang gak mau cerita, jadi wajar aja. Biarpun begitu, seenggaknya kita udah mencoba peduli.
So, people, how was your day?
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